VAT and the goods you use in your own business

Using business goods instead of selling them is usually VAT-free, but some cases require VAT payments. These "taxable self-supplies" include cars taken from stock and certain buildings. Read on to see how to stay compliant.
If your business makes products or buys and sells them, you might end up using some goods in your own business instead of selling them.
Usually, you do not have to pay VAT on goods used this way, because you are not actually making a VAT taxable supply. However, there are some exceptions. These exceptions are called “taxable self-supplies.” You will need to keep track of these goods you use in your business for VAT purposes.
Self-Supply of Cars
If you are a motor manufacturer or dealer and take a car from your stock for your own use, that is a taxable self-supply. In this case, you will need to pay VAT on the car.
Other Taxable Self-Supplies
There are some other situations where goods you use in your business are treated as taxable self-supplies. These include:
- Certain non-domestic buildings you build or extend using your own labour.
- Cars on which you reclaimed VAT because they were meant for use as a taxi, hire car, or driving school car, but you actually used them for a non-qualifying purpose.
Selling Goods Bought for Your Business
If you buy something for the business but later sell it to a customer (even if it’s to one of your employees), you will need to charge VAT on the sale price.
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