The fast approaching demise of the double cab pickup company vehicle

By Katie De Niese, Tax Manager
From the 6 April 2025 newly acquired Double Cab Pick Ups will no longer be treated as a van for the purposes of Income Tax or Corporation Tax.
However the old rules will continue to apply to vehicles purchased, leased or ordered before 1 April 2025. The old rules will apply to these vehicles until the earlier of their disposal, lease expiry or 5 April 2029.
This leaves a small window of opportunity to either lease a double cab pick up before 1 April 2025, or order a double cab pick up before 1 April 2025. Providing that the expenditure is incurred before 1 October 2025 these will still qualify under the old rules as long as they are ordered before 1 April 2025.
If you have double cabs within your fleet which may need to be renewed in the near future, you may wish to consider acting now and ordering or leasing a new double cab to make the most of the remaining 4 years beneficial rules.
For more information or a no obligation consultation please get in touch by emailing or calling your local office.
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