Tax relief for zero emission cars and electric charge points
Great news for businesses! Tax relief on zero-emission cars and EV charge points has been extended until 2026. This move aligns with the UK’s ambitious Zero Emission Vehicle mandate, driving the shift to sustainable transport.
It was announced as part of the recent Autumn Budget measures that the tax relief for businesses acquiring zero-emission cars or installing electric vehicle charge points is to be extended. The reliefs were set to expire on 31 March 2025 for Corporation Tax purposes and 5 April 2025 for Income Tax purposes.
This measure extends the availability of the 100% first-year allowance for qualifying expenditure on zero-emission cars and the 100% first-year allowance for qualifying expenditure on plant or machinery for electric vehicle charge-points to:
- 31 March 2026 for Corporation Tax purposes
- 5 April 2026 for Income Tax purposes
The extension to the scheme highlights the government’s commitment to continue to support the growth in the electric vehicles market in line with the zero emission vehicle (ZEV ) mandate.
The ZEV mandate sets out the percentage of new zero emission cars and vans that manufacturers will be required to produce each year up to 2030. 80% of new cars and 70% of new vans sold in Great Britain will now be zero emission by 2030, increasing to 100% by 2035.
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