How umbrella companies work

Umbrella companies offer an easy way for freelancers and contractors to get paid without running a limited company. They handle payroll and tax via PAYE, ensuring compliance and employment rights. But are they the right choice for you? Consider the pros and cons.
Essentially, an umbrella company acts as an intermediary between the worker and the end client (or recruitment agency), handling payroll, taxes, and other administrative tasks on behalf of the worker.
The worker enters into a contract with the umbrella company. In most cases, the umbrella company employs the worker and pays their wages through PAYE. The umbrella company then enters into a separate contract with the client or recruitment agency who requires the worker's services.
As an employee of an umbrella company, a worker has the same employment rights as other employees including the right to a written employment contract.
There are many advantages to using an umbrella company, this can include simplifying tax obligations, employee rights and IR35 compliance. Some of the disadvantages can include the costs of using the umbrella company, limited control and the overall tax burden may be higher compared to other structures that may be available.
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