Advisory fuel rates increased from 1st March 2021

Posted on 11th March 2021 by Streets Company Secretarial

Image to represent Advisory fuel rates increased from 1st March 2021

The advisory fuel rates that apply from 1 March 2021 have been increased by 1p per mile for petrol and diesel vehicles with engines of 1400-2000cc reflecting a slight increase in fuel prices over the last quarter.

The previous rates, effective December 2020, can be used for up to one month from the date the new rates apply.

The rates only apply in the following circumstances:

  • reimburse employees for business travel in their company cars; or
  • require employees to repay the cost of fuel used for private travel.

These rates cannot be used in any other circumstances. If the rates are used, it is not necessary to apply for a dispensation to cover the payments made.

The advisory electricity rate for fully electric cars is unchanged at 4p per mile. Electricity is not a fuel for car fuel benefit purposes.

When employees are reimbursed for business travel in their company cars, HMRC will accept there is no taxable profit and no Class 1A national Insurance to pay.

Hybrid cars are treated as either petrol or diesel cars for this purpose.

HMRC reviews rates quarterly on 1 March, 1 June, 1 September and 1 December.

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