Annual Payroll & HR Update 2018 - LINCOLN


Whether you have just one employee or a large workforce, you do payroll in house or use a payroll bureau, our annual update aims to keep you informed of the issues, regulations and changes affecting payroll management and compliance.

Our presenters for this event will include our in house payroll specialists along with representatives from Irwin Mitchell Solicitors and Beststart Human Resources - both of whom provide services to our clients through Streets HR. We are also delighted to be joined by Star Payroll, specialist payroll software providers.

This year our annual update will focus on significant changes to Payroll and HR following the introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on 25th May 2018.


Irwin Mitchell Solicitors and Beststart Human Resources will be outlining how the new GDPR rules will affect the way that employers collect, hold and process employee data. Together they will look at the legal requirements, how this can be implemented practically in a small business and what the consequences of non-compliance may be. In particular they will consider:

  • What is employee personal data?
  • Without the use of consent, what other legal basis can employers use to collect and process employee data?
  • What are privacy notices?
  • How does this impact existing Data Protection Policies and what other procedures might an employer need?
  • How does this impact the way that an employer stores existing and old employee records?
  • Can employers continue to share employee details with other organisations e.g. their payroll company, accountant or pension provider?

STAR – Payroll Professional

Star’s presentation will focus on its new payroll portal ‘myePayWindow’ launched at the start of 2018. The myePayWindow portal will allow Streets Payroll Bureau to receive information securely from their clients and will integrate Star’s existing ePayslip data. It will also uniquely allow Auto Enrolment letters and pay run reports to be delivered to the secure portal directly from Star Payroll Professional ensuring GDPR compliance.

Streets Payroll

Payroll itself has nothing major happening this year but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing of significance! That is apart from the changes you will need to consider around complying with GDPR. This aside it’s all the little things that make a big difference. We will cover not just the usual increases that Government bestow upon us each year but the little things that make life in payroll a much smoother ride.


9:30am  Registration

10:00am Presentations including mid morning break

12:30pm Buffet Lunch

Event location


Alexis Outram