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Research & Development Tax Credits - are you missing out?

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We are delighted to be hosting a special Research and Development Tax Credits webinar, delivered by Tax Partner Mustafa Rafik, in conjunction with University of Warwick Science Park Business Ready programme.

HMRC offer tax incentives to companies that they consider are undertaking qualifying Research & Development (R&D).

A large percentage of eligible businesses are not aware of Research and Development Tax Credits or believe they don’t qualify for the scheme.

Many businesses that are already claiming have and will continue to under-claim without the right support.

Join this workshop to find out if you are eligible to claim and how much relief you can get.


  • What is Research and Development Tax relief
  • What benefit does an R&D claim provide
  • Eligibility – SME Scheme
  • Eligibility – RDEC Scheme
  • How do I make a claim?
  • Questions and answers

This project is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund, forming part of the CW Business: Start, Grow and Scale Programme.