Lincolnshire Family Business Lunch 2018

Lincolnshire Family Business Lunch

The Lincolnshire Family Business Forum, hosted by Streets Chartered Accountants, NatWest Bank and Andrew & Co Solicitors and supported by Business Lincolnshire, acknowledges the important role that family businesses play in Lincolnshire’s economy and recognises the unique challenges they face.

We are delighted to be returning to Hemswell Court for this session and lunch.

The focus for this forum meeting will be on the success and sustainability of our many family businesses that have traded for multiple generations. The session will include a panel of Lincolnshire family businesses, including Ruddocks, Micronclean, Oldrids and The Wilson Organisation (hosts of The Midlands Family Business Awards), who will give us an insight into their businesses and the challenges of running, developing and managing a business for more than one generation. Family members will also come together to participate in a Q&A session for our attendees, members of the other many family businesses.

We will also hear from Jonathan Lowe from Maven Capital Partners and Victoria Copestake from First Enterprise about the funding that is available to family businesses from the Midlands Engine Investment Fund.

The Family Business Forum is open to both those family members running a family business and members of the management team. A family business is defined as a business in which two or more members of one family have a controlling interest or derive income from it; and/or a business which has traded with more than one family member involved in it for more than one generation.

Please note this event is invitation only.

To request an invitation to this event please contact Sam Clarke no later than Thursday 11th October by email SCLARKE@STREETSWEB.CO.UK

Event location


Sam Clarke

01522 551200