Lincolnshire Family Business Lunch 2016

Lincolnshire Family Business Lunch

A special invitation-only event for family owned businesses as part of Lincolnshire Business Week 2016.

The ‘Family Business Lunch’ is being hosted by the organisers of the Lincolnshire Family Business Forum, Streets Chartered Accountants, NatWest Bank and Andrew & Co Solicitors to acknowledge the important role that family businesses play in Lincolnshire’s economy as well as to recognise the unique challenges they face.

Following on from last year’s highly successful event, members from the many family businesses across Greater Lincolnshire will be invited to listen to members of other family businesses talk about their experiences. They will also have the opportunity to listen to specialist family business advisers on topics to help run these unique enterprises. 

Families are encouraged to bring members of different generations.

Please note this event is invitation-only.

To request an invitation to this event please contact Laura Butler no later than Wednesday 19th October by email

Event location
