We are delighted to be sponsoring the Lincolnshire Environmental Awards 2021, which will award £4,000 to a community with the ambition and plans to create a greener future for their local area.
Instead of celebrating past achievements, this year’s awards of £4,000 for the winner and £500 for two runner’s-up, will be made to encourage and enable action. The aim is to help communities get back on their feet and do something great for wildlife.
In 2021, entering the Lincolnshire Environmental Awards is a chance for communities to see their vision become a reality. Entries are welcome from established or proposed community groups, Parish Councils, allotment societies, youth groups, registered charities and social enterprises within Greater Lincolnshire.
Projects can be proposed for the improvement or development of community green spaces, pathways, small woodlands, natural play areas, community gardens, litter control projects, as well as restoration of old features such as ponds. Projects within school grounds, cemeteries, and churchyards where there is strong community involvement will also be considered.
The deadline for entries has now closed.
Judging is carried out by an independent panel of experts in their field, selected for their impartiality and experience. The initial shortlisting is based on the information provided. Shortlisted entrants may then be visited by a judge. Finalists will be asked to make a presentation to the judges on Saturday 25 September at Whisby Nature Park in Lincoln. Presentations will be followed by an Afternoon Tea where the winner and runners-up of the Lincolnshire Environmental Awards will be announced.
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