It's All About Digital

Its All About Digital

This event is aimed at those interested in digital technology whether it is part of their business or their business is digitally led or orientated.

Hosted by the YMCA, Streets Chartered Accountants, Langleys Solicitors and NatWest the session will focus on the digital new order. 

The presentations will look at the impact that digital technology has on running a business including the opportunities and challenges it creates. The session will also seek to highlight the growing number of digital technology businesses that have been started across the county, many now of which operate as global players.

Individual speaker sessions will look at managing the risk presented by the digital age and not least cyber security, how you develop a digitally orientated enterprise as well as how you utilise the various digital offerings as a 21st century business.

Speakers & Topics

  • Dan Westlake, Cursor – Digital Lincoln, an overview of the city’s digital activity
  • Chris Connor and Michael Ball, Streets Chartered Accountants – Tax incentives for investing in digitally led enterprises and the benefits of using the latest in digital accounting software.
  • NatWest – Cyber security and safe guarding your interests.
  • Graeme Stenson and Aleks Tusien, Langleys Solicitors  - Social media and employment matters
  • Phil Kelsey, Spiral Media – Successful e-commerce


9:45am:   Registration

10:15am:  Presentations including mid morning break

1pm:         Buffet lunch

To book your free place at this event please complete the booking form below

This event is taking place as part of Lincolnshire Business Week (17th - 21st October 2016)

Event location


Laura Butler

01522 551200