The Lincolnshire Family Business Forum, hosted by Streets Chartered Accountants, NatWest Bank and Andrew & Co Solicitors and supported by Business Lincolnshire, acknowledges the important role that family businesses play in Lincolnshire’s economy and recognises the unique challenges they face.
The focus of this event is on the next generation entering and managing the family business. We will look at how family businesses prepare, or don’t prepare, for when their children and other family members join the business and take it forward. In particular we will focus on this from the next generation’s perspective and their experiences. We will consider the challenges they face and how these can be managed.
This event is ideal for family businesses that are looking at the next generation joining them and those younger family members that are hoping to or have recently joined the business.
Charlotte Perkins, Managing Director at the Wilson Organisation - Lincolnshire launch of the Midlands Family Business Awards2017
Andy Procter, Relationship Director at National Westminster Bank’s Commercial Office in Lincoln - The issues around succession how to make a success of succession.
We will then host a panel discussion and Q&A with the younger members of three local family businesses, Rob Myers from Myers Bakery, Sam Singh from Uniform Direct and Tom Walker from Rilmac.
Attendance at this event is by invitation only and is only open to family businesses. If you would like to attend please email Laura Butler lbutler@streetsweb.co.uk
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