Exec Club Dinner - December 2018

Exec Club Dinner December 2018

James Pinchbeck has pleasure in inviting you to the next Exec Club Dinner, the Christmas one, to be held on Wednesday 5th December 2018 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Lincoln.

The three-course dinner will be co-hosted by Streets Chartered Accountants and Langleys Solicitors, who have together established a new style of business club known as The Exec Club.

Our speakers for the evening are:

Peter Watson, Managing Director at Distract. Innovations in marketing is always the most important thing for marketing agencies, and Peter has decided to embark on one of the most bizarre innovations yet, by hiring a full-time cameraman to follow his every move. The agency has created "Inside The Journey", a daily vlog, which follows his journey in business. Peter will discuss what he has learnt from doing this for the past few months during his short talk.

Stuart Maclaren, Managing Director at Your Print Partner. Stuart will be sharing his news of a new venture with licensed products and how it’s not as hard to work with some of the major brands under license. He will also be talking about some new ventures that he will be sharing news of soon.

Ranjit Johal, Papa John’s Franchise Owner. Ranjit moved from a technology based career to becoming the owner of a Papa John’s franchise and soon made it to the number one spot and best performing business. Transferring his skills Ranjit will share how his success has come from megabytes to pizza bites.

This private club is aimed at Chief Executives and Managing and Senior Directors of Lincolnshire's most successful businesses and organisations – success being determined in terms of market leadership, innovation, turnover, profitability and management style. The club is not intended to be a networking event but rather to provide a forum for the 'meeting of minds' whereby key decision makers of the local economy are able to discuss business ideas openly with one another in convivial surroundings over dinner.

Attendance is by private invitation only and as such we would like to extend an invitation to you to join us as our guest. All non-paying guests are by invitation of the hosts.  Please note the number of guests attending will be in the region of 50 to 60.

If you have attended a previous dinner then there will be a charge of £40 (including VAT) to include a three-course meal with wine. We will either send an invoice or alternatively you can send a cheque made payable to ‘Streets Management Services’. Please note any cancellations made after Friday 30th November 2018 will be charged in full.

If this is your first dinner, then we extend the invitation to you to join us as our guest.

The format and timings for the evening are as follows:

6pm                      Drinks Reception

6:45pm                 Dinner

The formal part of the evening normally concludes at about 9pm - 9:30pm.

The dress code for the evening is business suit.

We do hope that you are able to join us and would be grateful if you could please indicate whether you will be doing so, by Friday 30th November 2018, using the form below:

Event location


Alexis Outram
