Annual Academies Update 2019 - LINCOLN


As an Academies specialist, we are delighted to be hosting our 8th Annual Academies Update.

Whilst it is now nearly nine years since all schools were offered new found freedoms through converting to academy status, the challenges of looking after the finances, balancing the books and annual reporting still prevail. Equally many have to consider the wider implications of the development of a stand along Academy (SAT) and Multi Academy Trusts (MATs).

Given this background our 2019 Academies Update will focus on two key areas:

  • The Academies Accounts Direction for 2019 and looking to the year ahead from a financial perspective
  • Hints, tips and wisdom for enhanced financial performance and management, along with dealing with the vagaries and often poorly understood implications of VAT

Speakers and Topics

The Academies Accounts Direction for 2019 and looking to the year ahead from a financial perspective

Robert Anderson, Lead Technical Partner for Academies, Streets Chartered Accountants

• Points of interest and action from the latest Academies Accounts Direction

• Review of other key guidance

VAT for Academies

Gerry Myton, Head of Indirect Tax, Streets Myton

An overview and update on the VAT issues and topics affecting Academies in relation to business and non-business activities:

  • The VAT status of academies
  • Registration versus VAT 126
  • Grant funding and the importance of “business” and “non-business” activities for VAT purposes and its effect on VAT recovery
  • Supplies to other educational institutions
  • Uniforms/photos/AIPS
  • Catering for staff and visitors
  • School trips
  • Letting or leasing academy land, buildings and facilities
  • Treatment of noncore income and teaching schools
  • Evidence needed to claim VAT
  • Making Tax Digital for VAT

Sharing our experience and wisdom to help and support you

Georgii Gale, Director, Streets Chartered Accountants

Lizzie Saywell, Manager, Streets Chartered Accountants

This session will provide delegates with hints, tips and thoughts on the work we get involved in with our Academy clients:

  • The “Academies Better Financial Reporting Programme”- the new chart of accounts and its relevance to your accounting systems
  • Related party transactions and the implications for academies
  • Risks and reward of further income generation incorporating cost management
  • Financial and other considerations when growing a MAT
  • Management roles within a trust - the respective roles of members and trustees


9am Registration

9:30 Presentations including mid morning break

12:30 Lunch

Book your free place using the form below

Event location


Hannah Brown

01522 551200