A free and informative update for schools and Academies – Headteachers, Bursars/Business Managers, HR Managers and Governors.
Academies specialist, Streets Chartered Accountants, is delighted to be hosting its 7th Annual Academies Update.
Whilst it is now nearly eight years since all schools were offered new found freedoms through converting to academy status, the challenges of looking after the finances and annual reporting still prevail. Equally many have to consider the wider implications of the development of Multi Academy Trusts (MATs). This is in addition to considering the challenges of balancing the books, dealing with staffing matters and safeguarding the interests of the Academy as a whole.
Given this background our 2018 Academies Update will focus on three key areas:
- The Academies Accounts Direction for 2018 and looking to the year ahead from a financial perspective
- Hints, tips and wisdom for enhanced financial performance and management
- Managing staff absences
Speakers & Topics
The Academies Accounts Direction for 2018 and looking to the year ahead from a financial perspective
Robert Anderson - Lead Technical Partner for Academies, Streets Chartered Accountants
- Points of interest and action from the latest Academies Accounts Direction
- Review of other key guidance
Sharing our experience and wisdom to help and support you
Alan Endersby - Director Streets Chartered Accountants
Elizabeth Cracknell - Senior Manager Streets Chartered Accountants
This session will provide delegates with hints, tips and thoughts on the work we get involved in with our Academy clients. This presentation is being prepared by our senior managers and team and will include:
- A brief overview of where we are in the reporting timetable as at July 2018
- Points to think about from Teachers Pension Scheme work
- Points to think about in preparing budgets
- A summary – getting ready for year end 2018
Myths and Musts of Managing Absence
In this session Jenny Arrowsmith, Employment Partner at Irwin Mitchell LLP and Andrew Hall, HR Consultant
at Beststart Human Resources will discuss the “myths” and “musts” of managing absence. We will help you:
- Review your own practices for handling short and long-term sickness
- Understand how you can reduce the costs and time of absence
- Understand the employment law risks of pregnancy and sickness-related absence and
how to mitigate them
This will be an interactive session, so please feel free to share with delegates your own experiences in an open
forum and discussion.
Following this session there will be a short introduction to Streets HR is a human resources solution tailored for
the education sector. Streets HR is provided by Beststart Human Resources and Irwin Mitchell Solicitors, a UK
Top 20 law firm, who specialise in the education sector.
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